Jade and Brett Evans were in the TotalBoat Makerspace, making new countertops for their Beneteau 50 and this week’s video gets to the fun part of building and designing their DIY counters now that the hard part of the design and build is done – and that’s the epoxy pouring and marbling. Jade Evans arrived with an advantage we were unaware of, a background and a degree in art! Her eye and sense of marbling and coloring was an instant lesson to us who we ended up being more helpful to Jade with the epoxy nuances when making a countertop. Nuances like changing epoxy systems to get more working time, (MakerPoxy extended Jade’s working time from a 20-minute Table Top Epoxy time to over 45 minutes) allowed Jade to work more deliberately with her colors, removing some of her stress about making her own dream epoxy marble countertops.
MakerPoxy also provides a better UV stable topcoat, a concern of theirs for sure as they take the boat south. Check out their amazing transformation and updated modern galley. Since their visit, other YouTube cruisers have reached out to try to make these with our help and our best advice is now right here – watch these 2 videos, grab a TotalBoat Epoxy Marble Countertop kit with all the things you need for the job, add some MakerPoxy to augment your supply and add UV protection and get to work! Of course, we have a tech line and video library, plus our website help area built to help you succeed if you can’t come with your dogs to our Narwhal Labs Makerspace yourself! Enjoy!