Winter Workshop Photo Contest: What Are You Working On?

What Are You Working On This Winter?
Share your winter project photos and tell us about it for a chance to win a $50 JD credit!
In the workshop or out, in progress or all done, tell us about your labor of love.


  1. Attach your high-resolution photo to an email. (One photo per email, please)
  2. Include your full name and address — so that we can verify your account (required for entry!)
  3. Provide a short caption, then tell us your story!
  4. Send your email to
  5. That’s all you have to do. You can send as many photos as you like to increase your chances of winning.

We use your photo submissions for our catalogs, social media posts and for our websites. We love knowing the customer’s side of the project, so let us know what you’re up to!

Please include products being used and let us know if you’re using any TotalBoat products!

We can’t wait to see what you’re up to this winter! Summer will be here before you know it!

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