Building the TotalBoat Work Skiff: Attaching the Runners

If you caught last week’s episode, then you saw Louis Sauzedde selecting the planks for the runners. In episode 22, Lou is ready to attach the runners and apply some extra TotalBoat Spartan Multi-Season Bottom Paint to protect the raw wood. With the bottom mostly done, the skiff is finally able to be flipped over enabling Lou to cut off the overhanging runners.but first we need to finish attaching the runners to the bottom of the boat.

In this video, Louis Sauzedde is going to show you how he pre-drills the runners with three different bits before nailing them down using 3 1/2-inch boat nails or cut nails. After that he will saw off the over hanging ends of the runners and then touch them up with a handsaw, planer and chisel blade.

With the boat now upright, the project is starting to resemble a skiff – leading to some fun and fast moving steps in the next few episodes. Check out this latest episode and be sure to check out our FULL PLAYLIST of every TotalBoat Work Skiff episode so far! Share with your friends! Comment below and let us know what you think, as well as any questions you may have for Lou.

Thanks for watching.

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